WAHINE WEEK - Girls Surf Enrichment Camp Ages 10+
During Wahine Week, girls thrive in a structured and instructionally oriented program! Our skilled and enthusiastic team of specialized guest instructors and speakers help our wahine surfers improve their surfing abilities in the ocean and gain life experiences on land through their love of surfing, surrounded by like minded peers. With an emphasis on fun, safety, and skill development each participant will bloom no matter what activity she is involved in during Wahine Week.
Camp is open to HSA competitors on all islands. Contest experience is required. Lunch refreshments, and snacks provided.
All proceeds go back into HSA to create more enriching experiences and opportunities for our youth athletes. Mahalo!
During Wahine Week, girls thrive in a structured and instructionally oriented program! Our skilled and enthusiastic team of specialized guest instructors and speakers help our wahine surfers improve their surfing abilities in the ocean and gain life experiences on land through their love of surfing, surrounded by like minded peers. With an emphasis on fun, safety, and skill development each participant will bloom no matter what activity she is involved in during Wahine Week.
Camp is open to HSA competitors on all islands. Contest experience is required. Lunch refreshments, and snacks provided.
All proceeds go back into HSA to create more enriching experiences and opportunities for our youth athletes. Mahalo!
During Wahine Week, girls thrive in a structured and instructionally oriented program! Our skilled and enthusiastic team of specialized guest instructors and speakers help our wahine surfers improve their surfing abilities in the ocean and gain life experiences on land through their love of surfing, surrounded by like minded peers. With an emphasis on fun, safety, and skill development each participant will bloom no matter what activity she is involved in during Wahine Week.
Camp is open to HSA competitors on all islands. Contest experience is required. Lunch refreshments, and snacks provided.
All proceeds go back into HSA to create more enriching experiences and opportunities for our youth athletes. Mahalo!